Category: Planning, Tips & Inspiration


What’s in a Name?

So I’m British born and bred, I have worked, studied or lived in the UK my entire life, so does it matter that I am Asian or Muslim?  I am proud of my heritage, I am proud of being British, all these things have contributed to the person that I...


Mamas & Papas children clothing range

I will admit that I am not a fashionista in any way. I was always the tomboy and my idea of beautifying myself is straightening my hair (that said my Rapunzel like hair does take hours to do!).  But I love buying clothes and dressing up my little adventurers.  This...


#MarkWarnerMum, Can the Fiveadventurers go skiing?

As I have been blessed with insomniac children (they are beyond cute so its all balances!) I am  usually awake in the early hours of most mornings and on one of these occasions I happened to stumble across the #MarkWarnerMum ambassador programme. So the little adventurers, Doc and I let...



I will be honest, prior to a review, I had little knowledge of Carddies and their products.  However, the company has received some great press recently, especially chosen by Travel by Bender as one of the best presents for travelling children. So what are carddies? Carddies simply described are “people”...


10 random facts about Fiveadventurers

I was asked by the lovely Karen from to tell you 10 things you may not know about me.  So here are 10 very random facts about me, my adventurers and travel. 1.  I married the boy next door.  Doc and I met at University in Manchester and he...


Manners, a thing of the past?

Over the last few weeks I have noticed a general downturn in manners.  These aren’t just with children but with adults too and it made me wonder, what was always considered to be a basic british trait, is it now a thing of the past? Example 1 In the play...


My five to revisit

This weeks post was brought about by a nomination from Samiya from Selims Raasta to list five places I would love to revisit again.  Before kids, Doc and I went on many adventures and the five I would love to revisit with the little adventurers (in no particular order) are:...


tooth fairy ideas

It’s the simple things in life that make all the difference, the fancy holidays and days out are nice but it is often the ordinary moments which you remember as you lay awake at night.  One of my wishes for my children is that the ordinary moments in life are...

Warwick, the heart of the country! 0

Warwick, the heart of the country!

The job situation in Lancashire in 2011 was pitiful to say the least.  Doc had been awarded his phD but there were just no jobs to be found.  After trying for months, he decided that we would have to look further afield, with the possibility of moving.  By chance he...