Category: Review – Products


Review Aliens Love Underpants Live

We love reading and one of our treat outings is taking our little adventurers to the theatre.  I particularly love the shows which bring some of our favourite books to life on the live stage.  Its amazing how much the little adventurers remember from shows that they have seen so...


Are you a smart ass?

Growing up we used to love playing board games and coming from a family of 8, meant there was always plenty of healthy competiton (and cheating) in our house!  However, over the last few years, through one reason or another we have stopped playing board games but  after our recent...


Colour Me Wellies

Wellies, who doesn’t love wellies right?! We live in lovely Lancashire and you can guarantee that if nothing else, you will have some (usually significant) rainfall each week, regardless of which season you are in!  If your children are anything like my little adventurers, they will find puddles EVERYWHERE, so...



I will be honest, prior to a review, I had little knowledge of Carddies and their products.  However, the company has received some great press recently, especially chosen by Travel by Bender as one of the best presents for travelling children. So what are carddies? Carddies simply described are “people”...