Review Aliens Love Underpants Live
We love reading and one of our treat outings is taking our little adventurers to the theatre. I particularly love the shows which bring some of our favourite books to life on the live stage. Its amazing how much the little adventurers remember from shows that they have seen so we are always eagerly looking for our favourite book adaptations. So we were thrilled to see that “Aliens Love Underpants” was taking their live show on tour across the country and were going to be at The Lowry theatre in Salford. Doc and Raihan decided to have a father and son day and decided to spend it differently and set off to watch Raihan’s favourite book “Aliens love underpants”. The Lowry is a fantastic theatre with lots of child friendly features and our favourite theatre. Here’s our review of Alien Love Underpants Live!
The story revolves around a little boy Timmy, both whimsical and full of mischief as he embarks on his adventure to help the aliens in outer space. The show is unlike the others that we have watched and was perfect for young children and is an hour of silly, happy, childhood fun! The feel of the show is a lot more laid back and there is great interaction between the children and the actors on the stage, shown by the starting scene when a theatre full of children are informed that the show has had to be cancelled. Looking down at Raihan, he was on the verge of tears but they were quickly informed that the show must go on and there was a huge sigh of relief amongst the audience.
The show is very funny and really engaging with lots and lots of under pants. For young children there is nothing more entertaining then seeing lots and lots of underpants in all shapes, sizes and colour and Raihan’s favourite was the Octopus ones! The sets were great and really brought the feeling of outer space to the theatre in Manchester. The show has lots of dancing, catchy likeable songs, silliness and a whole host of jokes for the little adventurers to enjoy and laugh about for hours after the show has ended.
The show is an hour long and there is no breaks so make sure you enter the theatre with all your desired sweets/treats and toilet breaks done prior to ending the show. Doc and Raihan really enjoyed the show and thought the panto feel to the show was really good especially for younger theatre goers. The show is a must see for all fans of the book and also for families looking to introduce theatre shows to younger children. Go now, you will not be disappointed.
So next time you hear of crop circles or alien theories remember that the thing that all aliens are really after are your fabulous underpants!!
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