Dobbies Little Seedlings Club

photo 1Here at fiveadventurers we are really keen to get our little adventurers involved with the great outdoors, try and make them green fingered and where possible try and get involved with the wider community.  We had such a fantastic time at the gardening session at Turton Tower, we have been looking for a gardening club since.  I saw this great gardening club offered by Dobbies Gardening Centre and we have decided to join!

Dobbies Gardening centres are located throughout the country and many of them offer the Dobbies Little Seedlings Club.

DobbiesThe Dobbies Little Seedlings Club is a free-to-join gardening club where youngsters aged between 4–10, learn about plants, wildlife and the environment.   The Little Seedlings Club has more than 14,000 annual attendees and meets on the first Sunday of every month in every Dobbies Garden Centre throughout the UK.  Our closest centre is in Preston and that particular store have three sessions on at 11am, 1pm and 3pm.  So what is included:

Upon becoming a member, each Little Seedling will receive a Welcome Pack. There is no fee to become a member or for a Welcome Pack, and workshops are free too!

The welcome pack includes:

  • An attendance card (members will receive a certificate after their third, sixth and twelfth workshop)
  • Some fun stickers

A Nice Cup of TeaThe session for January is on 4th January is called A nice cup of tea.  The overview of the event is Have you ever wondered where tea comes from? Or how chocolate gets from a plant to a chocolate bar? Come to along to find out how tea, coffee and chocolate are grown and where they come from.

If you are planning ahead the event on 1st February is Totally Tropical

Remember to book your place before coming along to join in the fun.


I am a traveller, mother and blogger. We love to go on adventures (big and small, near and far) and strive to show our children how amazing and beautiful the world is! I caught the travel bug many moons ago and despite having three little adventurers, I still suffer from "itchy" feet. We love the great outdoors and one another. Come and join the fun :)

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2 Responses

  1. samiya says:

    What a great initiative to join and couldn’t agree more how important it is to teach and do outdoors / gardening /growing food activities with young children! We do a lot with our two in our garden as ashique loves growing vegetables and fruits. I join in for family time as am rubbish at it but a great fun experience for all of us. Thanks for sharing this program from dobbie gardening centre 🙂

    • Nisbah says:

      Hi Samiya

      Thanks for reading and Im totally with your there as I am rubbish at gardening and being “green fingered” but I want the little adventurers to be better at it then me. My hubby (funnily enough called Ashiq) loves it and is totally in his element. We are sorting out our garden this year! Hope you guys are all set for your NZ adventure! Sounds amazing!!

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