New Years Resolutions
I have tried year on year to make new years resolution but often find them near on impossible to keep. So this year I have thought long and hard and come up with things that I want to improve about myself.
The 15 minute a day
I want to make sure I spend the first 5 minutes after the kids wake up, 5 minutes after they get home from school and 5 minutes before the go to sleep and give them my full undivided attention. Whether its extra cuddles, kisses or a run down of days events that they want to share. I will strive to do this each and every day of the year. This is the time that I am often the most harassed and rushed but i am going to focus on slowing down.
To start every day being thankful for all that I have and all that I do not.
I think we spend too much time in our lives thinking about everything that we don’t have and want and not enough time being thankful for the things we do have. In a similar manner, I want to actually be thankful for all that we don’t have that others face daily in their lives, the pain and suffering such as suffering from the consequences of war, life threatening illnesses, being homeless, fearing for their lives, poverty, famine….
To sleep more
Its been nearly 7 years and think I am due a good nights sleep. Sleep is something that I often overlook and I know its something that I often assume will get better. But i think its now time to get this issue sorted. The kids need to sleep better and so do I. The kids Duracell batteries may not wane but mine sure are.
To stop rushing all the time
From the moment I wake up I feel like I am in a constant race to finish off my to do list but regardless of how hard I try, I never seem to catch up. I am always hurrying the little adventurers to get jobs done, its got to the point where I am constantly rushing around. So I want to take a step back and take our time to get things done. Life isn’t one big race, its a journey and last year I think I have lost sight of this.
To stop yelling / shouting
Doc and I rarely have arguments in front of the children but over the last year I found that I am constantly shouting (or at the very least speaking in a very loud voice) at the little adventurers. Whether its just due to the fact that I am always rushing around so am on edge. But I don’t want to carry on in this way so I vow that this year I will try and stop this as I don’t want to be the shouty mummy.
To love the ones who love me
I often spend too much time on people whose sole part in my life is to cause worry and pain rather then those who deserve and warrant my time, attention and love. I mean no ill feeling to anyone but I think I need to move forward and concentrate on those I need to as life is too short to spend time over those who don’t deserve it.
To be adventurous
People do look at us like we are a little crazy when we talk about our adventures but looking back over 2014 I feel like I have been tamed or become a little ‘scared’. I have never been one to jump off cliffs (though have done hand gliding) but I always had a get up and go about me and was never put off by a little daring. I want 2015 to try and get back to being me, being a little more daring, pushing the limits and try to achieve the things that others may be too reluctant or afraid to do so. Dare I say be a little more adventurous.
To make my own money / income stream
I have more qualifications then I like to think about but since 2011 due to family reasons, I have not been to work. As a result we are a single income family and with three children, budgets are always tight. Going back into a 9-5 job wouldn’t work for us as a family but I miss my own money. I don’t need bags of the stuff (though that would be nice hahaha) I want enough so when I feel like it I can buy Doc a present, treat my sister to a coffee, book a day out without having to ask Doc for the money. I was always quite independent and head strong and “asking” for money has been getting to me for some time. Its time for a change 🙂
To visit somewhere new
In the words of the Dalai Lama, I want to try and go somewhere new this year. Not just for a day trip but to actually learn something about the country, try and actually see the country as a local and be more then a tourist there.
To say I love you more often
Whether this is to Doc, my little adventurers, family or friends, i want to actually tell them what they mean to me. I often think they already know but I think i need to get better at expressing the gratitude that I have to be blessed with such magnificent people in my life. I hope this will help to make them realise how important they are to me.
To get my blog voice
I think I have gotten a little too wrapped up in the background / non important part of my blog and focused less on what I love and why i started it. Travel and my adventurers are my two greatest passions in life and we love to explore and try new things. My blog was to show our exploits but also to give ideas to others. I think I need to concentrate on this and hopefully everything else will fall into place.
To get better at photography
I love taking pictures but want to get better at taking good pictures. Photographs are a fantastic momento of adventures and would love for them to capture the moment to remember my children’s childhood in years to come.
To be a better mum / wife /daughter/ sister/ friend
My ultimate wish for 2015 is to be a better mummy, wife, sister, daughter and friend. All of my above helps me to try and achieve this. I want to look back in 2015 and know that I have spent quality time with everyone that I love, tried to be less stressed and enjoyed life a little more.
What are your new years resolutions? We would love to hear them 🙂
Nis you’ve definitely given me some food for thought… The no stressing / no shouting is a good start for me I think!
I love the idea of 15 minutes is day. Just a little bit of time can really set the tone for the day. I am going to add that to my list. A big one for me is to stop yelling. I have no idea when I became a yeller, but I don’t like it. Time to get back to being the mom I want to be. Thanks for sharing your goals!
Hi Sara
Happy New Year.
Thanks for reading! I really like the 15 mins, with 3 little adventurers, it’s often hard to give them each that attention. I hate being a yelling mum, and that’s my one thing that I want to change!
wow! That was a long list.The yelling has to stop for me now as well but not too sure it will Cus been doing for years. My Ali says when I yell at him to get up for work it reminds him of his school days
Ooh I love the idea of the 15 minutes a day thing, that’s a really good one, a great way to keep connected and make sure the lines of communication are open!
Thanks for linking up to #TheList (please can you add the badge to your posts!) and Happy New Year! xxx