Could we be the Crystal Ski Unstoppables
By our very blog name, we fancy ourselves as adventurers and its not just me, I have been blessed with little adventurers, as crazy and unstoppable as me! Which other 2 year old would be happily strapped up to a zip-ride and swing over a jungle and the ocean at 60 mph and finish the ride with a resounding “again, again!”
Crystal Ski are on the hunt for bloggers to join them as ambassadors for their 2015/16 season. They have 5 characters that they are seeking and the one aimed at families is billed as The Unstoppables. The description resonates with us to our very core and if I was to coin a phrase for our family, after adventurers, ‘Unstoppables” would be the perfect choice. My little adventurers are on the go, all day, everyday and are well known for the ability to pretty much stay awake for hours and not succumb to the need for rest or sleep! They make the Duracell bunny seem lazy and complacent and fittingly I made a short animation below to show you what my little adventurers are like in real life!
So the characteristics of the unstoppable family are a family who are on the go all the time. The reality of travelling with children is something that is very different from travelling solo or even compared to the Pinterest boards of image upon image of the ideal family holidays and the impeccable behaviour of happy families travelling. The reality of family travel has many ups and downs but the ending is always the same regardless of the days events. So an unstoppable families holiday seem to go like this..
The Happy first day pictures as the family embark on a week long of bonding, creating lifelong memories and having a wonderful time….
But the first morning sees the reality of life with children (even on holiday) really hitting home
Remember the BC (Before Children) days when a leisurely hotel breakfast was something to be cherished….
A skiing holiday has the great advantage of going through the ordeal of getting your children dressed multiple times a day (like once isn’t hard enough….)
All that time you spent worrying about the childcare and kids clubs go to pot just as you are about to leave them…
After becoming a parent you often lose your sense of reality and start to think that as you are now a kick-ass parent, who can fudge your way through parenting that you will be a dab hand at anything…like um skiing…
Whilst in comparison your usual needy, reluctant children have mastered each and every skill within the same time
After a few hours (and the near death experiences of skiing on the beginner’s slope), your heart is filled with unfaltering love for your precious cherubs and you race to the kids club with good intentions of having a thoroughly wholesome evening of family time to be greeted by…
But you still persevere and after an angelic behaviour over dinner (as they are exhausted and starving) you cannot help but fulfil their innocent requests for family time….
Only to be subjected to screaming children and people staring at you for your poor parenting skills…..
Bedtime is a joy at home and its even more memorable with tired children, new surroundings and time changes….
But even if its midnight by the time you finally sit down with your partner somehow you instantly forget all the bad bits (screaming, shouting, general misbehaviour – so about 70% of the day) and your heart is instantly filled with love and you cannot wait to start the next day and do it all again!
So are we the Unstoppables?
I think our crazy, eccentric, adventurous family are pretty unstoppable and would be a great match for the character that Crystal Ski are seeking. We pride ourselves in our ability to want to try everything and not to live by conventions set by others but to do what works for us as a family. As mummy unstoppable my life is literally a whirlwind. From the moment we wake until I go to bed, our days are none stop, whether its the school runs, homework to the never ending housework, helping at either grandparents houses, mosque runs, planning my scouts cubs and beavers sessions, having a 2 year old to entertain or planning our next adventure or trying to fit in some blogging. But we do so with a smile, determination to have an even better day tomorrow and always a sense of fun! My youngest adventurer was born with Sepsis and a heart condition but it has never stopped him and in fact from all our children, he has always had the most get up and go! SO trust me when I say, we are unstoppable!
So why us for Crystal Ski Ambassadors?
All joking aside, family holidays are amazing and as family travel bloggers I spend the vast majority of my life on travel so it cannot be all bad. Travelling with children is totally different from solo or travelling as a couple but for me its even more enriching. Your children are filled with a natural curiosity, an innocence to find the good in everyone and a desire to learn and try new things. Unlike adults, little adventurers find the magic in the darkest of places and can show you the world in a while different light.
We have never been skiing but the white stuff (snow that is….) has been on my bucket list since I have been a little girl. I think it would be an amazing experience to share together as a family, experiencing our first snow together as a family (we only get rain in Lancashire) and to try our hand at skiing! I would love to see real snow, so think and fresh and mountains covered with it. Through our blog we have worked with lots of tourist organisations from government agencies to multi-national hotel brands and have great working relationships with them all. Here’s more information about us, our blog and the brands we work with.
We are passionate, enthusiastic and a little crazy which is the perfect combination of family ambassadors! We would love the opportunity to be Crystal Ski ambassadors as the Unstoppables. And if you need any final persuasion, due to the lack of the white stuff in our life we have resorted to sand dune sledging!!
This is our entry for the Crystal Ski #SkiExplorer Ambassador competition
Good luck! Skiing is definitely on my bucket list too – but I have only ever managed a couple of lessons.